Striving new author

Hello People, my name is Peter Godman and my first book is being published tomorrow 6 January. I have been working on this story for many, many years, but it was often brought to a halt, due to the stress of my work. One could say that there were four phases when the story progressed, but the most important one was after I went into retirement. I had plenty of time and my mind was free of other thoughts. I always had good notes in English in school, and I was a member of the literary club there. My English teacher reckoned that my future lay as an author, he was not quite right, but nearly, because in the end I became a translater working for many years at Daimler in Stuttgart.
Now going back to my book; as I said my mind was free, but first I had to review everything I had written up until then, over one hundred and eighty pages. I found that my writing style had changed enormously and so I ended up writing the whole story anew. What amazed me was that writing was much like reading a book for you never knew what would happen next; ideas I had set upon at the beginning were thrown overboard, because another idea just popped into my head and off we went in another direction. This led to even more twists and turns in the story and of course - more suspence. Scenes to include in my story just seemed to pop out of air, it was an extremely exciting time and I never suffered from writers blockage. In the course of five months or so I had written over six hundred pages before the book was brought to an end.
Then came the problem of finding a publisher. I sent copies of the book to many Publishers, but rarely received an answer, and then Austin Macauley Publishers contacted me and informed me that the they liked the storey very much, but as a first time author they could not take the risk of financing a book with so many pages, since the binding of such a thick book would be too expensive. They then asked me if I could split the book into two each with no more than 350 Pages. I agreed to do this and this resulted in a contract between us. I am very grateful for the advice and help they have given me, and I hope the book will be a success. The second book is ready and I shall be sending it off to them next week. Whether it is published probably depends very much on whether you people buy my book, I assure you the second book really gets down to business as our sorcerer is faced with contesting the hords of creatures that Kotor the necromancer sends against him.
I wish you good reading.
Peter Godman
PS these photos are the woods our hero encountered during his journey to find himself

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