The stone of Athelas a long journey.

The stone of Athelas a long journey.
Hello you people out there, as I wrote yesterday my first book was published today after many, many months of hard work from so many people, including myself. I cannot thank the people from Austin Macauley enough for their help. Thus, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce the storey line, so here goes:
Gothrin is the hero of this book and I introduced him into the story as a ten year old who had no idea that he was something special. He was first made aware by sheer fate that he was no ordinary child but the prophesied Redeemer - a sorcerer whom one day would destroy the necromancer named Kotor. His Grandmother was pedantic about cleanliness and tidiness and his Grandfather was not. Staging a cleaning purge on Grandfather's private room by his Grandmother, it came to pass that Gothrin discovered his heritage written in the age old dust on the cover of one of his Grandfather's books. From then on, Gothrin's young life was spent in studying and in between, experiencing the scatty antics of his Grandfather. The story then skips time and Gothrin’s life changes dramatically at the age of 16. Kotor had risen once more to destroy the land and enslave all the races, and all that stood in his way is this young man, uncertain of his powers, and uncertain how to use the magic staff endowed upon him by the prophecy. Forced to flee from Kotor’s wraiths through storm and flood, he loses Odra’s magic staff in a canyon while fighting the floodwater that had carried him there. Alone and with no idea what to do next, Gothrin finally stumbles across an imp-like race, who help to find the staff and fight off a wraith determined to take possession of it. These people point the way to where he will find what he seeks, the guardian of the relic made from the Stone of Athelas. Chased by bands of renegades and Kotor’s wraiths, Gothrin and his new companion Bellatrix finally reach the town Longthorpe and the guardian of the ring. Bonded to the staff during a ceremony, the ring endows it with immense magic, a weapon worthy to challenge the necromancer. Still hounded by Kotor’s minions, Gothrin and his companions continue the quest. Traveling over hill and dale, through moorland and forest, they are continually confronted by one crisis after another until they finally reach their objective the Land of Nath, where Gothrin finally overcomes his doubts and finds the allies to help him defeat the necromancer.
I hope this story line has wet your appetite to read this book. I enjoyed writing it and I am overwhelmed that the publisher found the work to be notable in that it was an extremely ambitious, intricate, and unpredictable work of classic high fantasy. They emphasised the fact that I had the ability to frame a cast of characters that builds and sustains the story through a very well conceived and developed plot. Now if that is not a reference I don’t know what is?

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